Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Taco Bell Just Got Cheesier

If you know anything about me, you know about my obsession with a certain fast-food chain known as Taco Bell. The excellent marketing schemes the restaurant comes up with fool me every time. From the Doritos Locos Tacos to the Starburst freezes, I feel the need to try each one because of how appealing it is to my very college-like appetite.

The day of Super Bowl 50 (February 7), Taco Bell released the "Quesalupa", a chalupa with cheese infused inside.

Therefore, Monday evening's dinner was instantly decided to be Taco "Ding Ding". Alongside a cold Mountain Dew Baja Blast, I dove for the pepper-jack-infused Mexican snack. I have to say, I was pretty impressed. Honestly, it tasted like a taco with a quesadilla as its shell....which I will not complain about. I will most definitely recommend the new shell to all of my fellow Ding-Ding fans.

Price:   $2.99 (Beef)
Overall Grade: A-


  1. Anthony,

    I saw that commercial and it made me really question if the Quesalupa would be good, or just cause a stomach ache. Part of me is interested in trying it and the other part of me wonders what grade their beef is.

    I'm curious, if you had a choice what would you choose: authentic Mexican food or Taco "Ding Ding" for the rest of your life?

  2. That is a tough call. I'd typically take the authentic but Baja Blast puts Ding Ding over the top.

  3. Anything with more cheese has my vote. I'm definitely trying this one!
