Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Dog Days of Summer

My 35th St. Red Hot

If there's a reason I can get my Cub fan-friends to join me at White Sox games at U.S. Cellular Field, it's the food. Specifically, they love getting a hot dog from 35th St. Red Hots, just a couple blocks away from the park. 

I would normally give you my opinion on it, but maybe their thoughts would better describe the Dog:

"It's everything you're looking for." - Jason Blumenthal, Cubs fan

"A collision of traditional fast food giants' french fries and hot dogs with decadent Chicago-style toppings inside a warm bun."  - Nick Philips, Cubs fan

"I'd say it changes the way you look at normal hot dogs. It's not just a package you buy at the store anymore. It's an explosion of flavors. It's how I'd imagine taking a bite out of Chicago would taste." - Mitch Gemini, Cubs fan

"I don't even know where to start. You know you're about to eat something so good. But, it's piping hot. It's painful, but thats part of the beauty as you put molten hot french fries in your mouth. Then, you take some fries off the top, take a bite of the hot dog with some relish, onions and pepper and you have this explosion of tastes that all combines into a great tasting mesh of flavors that all compliment each other in the own way. You have the crunching of the pepper, the fries, the sweet relish and the mustard that tangs on your tongue to let you know it's there. This hot dog is breaking apart and is swirling around with the other tastes. Before you know it, your right hand is already reaching up for a second bite. You repeat this process until you're sad and finished. You swear you just took the first bite." - Nick Maggiore, Cubs fan

I think that's a mic drop, folks. 

Rating: A+


  1. As a northside girl who has a love for the Cubs, I do have to admit that the hot dogs from Red Hots are extremely good. However, I have a question for you - would you rather have Red Hots or Gene and Judes? I think that's the hardest question to answer.

    1. Oh absolutely. That's THE question. I know Red Hot's owner claims his fries are better than Gene and Jude's, but I'm not so sure. Overall, I have to give the nod to Red Hot's, just because of the atmosphere of it being right by a ballpark. That's really it though.

  2. Oh man you killed me with that picture. Looking real good. That should be in a magazine. Always looking for good places to eat, and a good reason to get me downtown. Definitely garnered a new interested customer based off this review.

  3. Kinda figures Nick would leave a novel about a hot dog. Can't blame the guy though, that thing looks good enough to rival Gene and Judes or Portillos. You've got a good question there, J.B., I'm not sure if there's a one true answer to that!

    1. There really isn't! Personally, I am a fan of the Depression Dog over the typical "Chicago Dog".
      (Hot Dog, mustard, relish, onions, sport peppers, fries packed inside the dog...that's it)
